Alder Crocker
In May 2018, Alder jogged into the ocean as he had a thousand times before, and in one fateful, unpredictable moment, the sand gave out, his knee buckled, and he tripped and broke his neck, instantly becoming a quadriplegic with 85% of his body paralyzed and no movement in his fingers.
Miraculously, he awoke with the ability to paint, the beneficiary of Acquired Savant Syndrome, as the traumatic brain injury had uncovered latent artistic ability.

Rebirth Through Creativity
Not accustomed to the deepest chasms of despair, loneliness, and fear, he went against his therapists' recommendations and pushed himself to define the abilities he had lost and those he still had.
He then fully embraced the powers of music, color, and light to create paintings. Alder turned his transformative paintings into wearable clothings and accessories!

While at rehab, Alder was introduced to art therapy. As soon as he had a brush placed in his hand, his consciousness flooded with images, colors and ideas, and he immediately began to paint.

Getting His Whoopeecat On
Listening to music specifically became the direct pathway for Alder to manage and change his many, and mostly unfamiliar moods. It enables him to this day to “get his Whoopeecat on” and find that calming and confidence-boosting state of mind that allows him, in his own words, “to be the best Alder I can be by accepting who and what I am at my core. Every day.”
Alder's Designs
- Utilize a range of colors with an emphasis on visually stimulating combinations
- Are visual adventures whose complexities enable the “viewer” to consistently find new patterns and designs each time they are looked at
- Are one-of-a-kind, and unlike any other abstract art or fashion design every produced
- Are highly memorable, as each can be considered its own “statement” piece
- Are instantly recognizable as being Alder’s